
Utilize Data For Exceptional Care

Transform how you harness data from electronic health records, billing, and research systems. WhereScape drives better patient insights and accelerates compliance reporting.

Designed for Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare Computer and Phone Icon

Faster Paths to Accurate Diagnoses

Hospitals and healthcare providers can integrate patient records and lab results, enabling swift access to patient information, which improves diagnosis and treatment planning.
Healthcare Hands with Heart Icon

Elevate Patient Care

Immediate access to patient data allows doctors to quickly review patient histories and treatment outcomes, facilitating prompt medical decisions and elevating overall patient care.

Healthcare clipboard icon

Safeguard Sensitive Health Records

High level data security and governance safeguards sensitive patient data, ensuring adherence to healthcare regulations; protecting the confidentiality of patient information.

Aptus Health

Case Study

Using WhereScape Data Vault Express and Snowflake cloud data warehousing, Aptus Health created a data model in just three days and released it into production within the same quarter.

“Through automation, we’ve increased our productivity tremendously, and WhereScape has been a great partner for us.”

Steve Gordon, Director of Data Warehousing

Aptus Health logo

Take a Deep Dive

Hear from experts in the healthcare IT industry in this webcast. You’ll learn in detail how WhereScape transformed their data warehousing and the incredible impact it has had on their businesses.

Helping Healthcare Organizations Around The Globe

The last project we had 10-15 external resources, and now with the automation we have 90% of the project staffed internally… that wasn’t possible before WhereScape.
How much money do we save? It’s in the millions.

Gallus Messmer
Data Warehouse Architect, Helsinki Hospital

Helsinski Hospital
Abano Healthcare logo

Abano Healthcare

With over 80 dental practices across Asia Pacific, Abano Healthcare streamlined its systems using WhereScape RED and 3D. This solution provided real-time patient record access and improved decision-making.

Helsana logo


Helsana automated a lot of deployment work, helping the team to organize code and deliverables better, move development work in-house, reduce ETL expenditure, and reduce the number of tools used.

Book a Demo

In this 15-minute consultation, our Solution Architect will evaluate your current data needs and provide the appropriate solution for your healthcare business, including a live product demo.

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