Industry Offerings
Higher Education Data Warehouse
Our customers include organizations in the education sector both big and small across the world. Learn how these customers are using WhereScape data automation to reduce time to value, costs and risk.
Case Study
Bucknell University created a new data warehouse in the cloud using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). It chose WhereScape to automate and speed up development of the cloud data warehouse.
Case Study
Cornell University automated and standardized data warehouse development and improved data infrastructure performance.
Case Study
Data Warehouses for Education
Bucknell University Uses WhereScape Data Automation
Why WhereScape
Data Automation
For Education Organizations
Integrated Data Platform
Universities can quickly merge student information, learning management systems, and administrative data into a single data warehouse, significantly reducing development time and costs.
Data Access and Collaboration
Institutions have real-time access to accurate data, allowing faculty to analyze student performance data, and promptly identify the needed areas of improvement.
Security and Governance
Ensures student records and research data are protected with access controls while supporting regulatory compliance and audit trails, reducing the risk of data breaches.
Top of the Class: WhereScape RED Automates Data for Smarter Schools
Enable your data journey with a modern ETL solution
See how WhereScape users automate over 12 trillion gigs of data each month.