Google Cloud
Unlock the power of BigQuery Enterprise Data
Warehouses by seamlessly migrating your data
infrastructure and automatically adding built-in best
practices with WhereScape Data Automation.
Data Migration to Google BigQuery
Have you been slow to adopt cloud-first data practices? Already migrated
but discovering challenges, security risks, or knowledge gaps? Head to
the cloud with confidence when WhereScape does the heavy lifting.
WhereScape eliminates the risks in data projects and accelerates time
to production to help organizations adapt better to changing business
needs. Book a demo to see WhereScape in Action.
Boost BigQuery Performance with WhereScape RED
WhereScape Data Automation for Google Cloud Data Warehouses
95 %
Time Savings
on hand-coding development, refactoring and management tasks.
Developer Productivity
in implementing and managing infrastructure through automation.
Return on Investment
by avoiding failures, filling skill gaps and adding built-in best practices.
Deliver Faster Insights with
Cloud Infrastructure
Automate the design, development, and deployment
of data warehouses on Google BigQuery with
WhereScape Data Automation—it reduces the cost and
risk of ‘test and see’ by automatically adding built-in
best practices.
Exceed Expectations with
Cloud Computing Elasticity
Whether you work with data warehouses, lakes, vaults,
or marts, WhereScape’s automated implementation of
development best practices enables organizations to
easily keep up with demand and expand as needed.