Industry expert Eric Kavanagh, CEO of the Bloor Group, shares his perspective on how the trifecta of data warehousing, cloud computing and automation has come together to give companies greater capability to drive their businesses forward with data. In this Bloor Group Product Watch Report, Eric shares a brief history of data warehousing, new advantages arising with the dawn of cloud, and how automation offerings like WhereScape® automation for Snowflake hold great promise for companies wanting to accelerate time to value for cloud data infrastructure projects.
White Paper – Cloud Data Warehousing Has Arrived

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“It took the architects a day and a half to solve all four use cases. They built two Data Vaults on the host application data, linked the two applications together and documented the whole process. This was impressive by any standard. After that it was an easy process to get all the documents signed.”
Daniel Seymore, Head of BI, Investec South Africa
"At seven months into the project we can say it really worked out. We have been able to really quickly develop an initial MVP for our first country and that was really good. The automation and the changes we needed to do were rapidly applied. We had to remodel a few things and that was done within a day with the automation in WhereScape."
Carsten Griefnow, Senior BI Manager
"It’s like having five people with only really two people working on it."
Will Mealing, Head of Data & Analytics at L&G