Fidelity Bank

The challenge

As Fidelity Bank expanded from an Atlanta metro area community bank into a four-billion-dollar financial institution reaching throughout the Southeastern corner of the United States, so did the complexity and volume of the data within the organization. When it became more and more difficult to provide timely information that business leaders needed, Fidelity recognized its need to evolve the organization’s data infrastructure strategy into one that matched the scale of the business.

The solution

To address these challenges, the company used WhereScape® automation for Teradata to design and build an enterprise data warehouse.

The results

With automation built specifically to leverage the native capabilities of Teradata, Fidelity Bank delivered the organization’s first data warehouse in less than 4 months through the efforts of one full-time developer with no previous Teradata experience.


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Fidelity Bank

WhereScape writes most of the code that runs our data warehouse. We’ve built over 4,000 landing tables, and I haven’t written a single DDL statement for any of them. It’s a single drag, drop and click to create a table, and the DDL is created and executed on our Teradata database. I’ve also not written a single script for any of our data loads. WhereScape creates the Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) script on the fly.

– Eric Martz, Project Manager, Fidelity Bank