
The Data Warrior Way – Doing more, with less, at speed

The Data Warrior Way – Doing more, with less, at speed

Discover the critical contribution of automation for data warehouses, data meshes, and enterprise data hubs. Kent Graziano, AKA The Data Warrior, is an award-winning author, speaker, thought leader, and expert solution architect with decades of experience in advanced...

The Case for Data Warehouse Automation

By: WhereScape This whitepaper takes a deep dive into the historical processes that have long positioned data demand and data delivery–and thus, IT and business–against one another. It also offers a solution, highlighting the critical importance of automation and the...

Data Warehousing, the Requirements Spiral

By: WhereScape Industry analysts have observed publicly that large-scale decision support systems — data warehouses, data marts, and business intelligence applications — have a dangerous characteristic. The explanation for this phenomena is straightforward, the more...

Moving Your Data Infrastructure To The Cloud

Moving Your Data Infrastructure To The Cloud

By: Claudia Imhoff, Ph.D. | November 2, 2017 Business intelligence (BI) and analytics have heartily embraced cloud computing. The massive increase of both data volumes and the complexity of these environments have made the move to cloud implementations necessary for...