Data Automation Made Simple.

Build Data Solutions and Products faster and more efficiently with a full suite of tools to model, transform, document, deploy, and manage data at any scale.


Data Dreamland is the perfect event for business and technical-oriented participants. Whether you are new…

Webinar – Dan Linstedt – You’ve Decided on Data Vault 2.0!  Now What?

Congratulations! You’ve taken a crucial step in deciding that the Data Vault 2.0 methodology is…

Designing and Automating Fact and Dimensions Tables with WhereScape

Our experts will demonstrate how to streamline the design and automation of fact and dimension…

Loading Data from JSON Files and APIs

We’ll show just how easy it is to load data from JSON files and API…

Yellowfin Partner Webinar | Charting the Path to Effective BI: Pitfalls to Avoid & Tips for Success

Have you been assigned a seemingly simple task to ‘build a dashboard’, or ‘run a…

IT-Logix | Exploring Different Levels of Automation for Data-Driven Success

In today’s fast-paced business environment, agility and efficiency are key to leveraging data for strategic…

Accelerate Time-to-Value in Data Warehousing: WhereScape RED 10 Virtual Hands-On Lab

Join us for a live virtual hands-on lab with our lead product experts and discover…

Using Data Warehouse Automation to Migrate Your Data Warehouse to the Cloud

As more and more companies utilize SaaS transaction processing applications and ingest data into cloud…

Build on Any Target Platform

google bigquery
Amazon Redshift

Maximize Value, Minimize Expenses.

Wherescape RED

WhereScape RED

RED is the only tool you need to ingest, transform, build, deploy and manage
your data solution.

Wherescape 3D

WhereScape 3D

3D is a GUI-based data solution designer that helps you quickly build and deploy your data model.

Wherescape Data Vault Express

WhereScape DVE

Data Vault Express is a specialized tool to automate building Data Vault solutions faster and more efficiently.

The Results.

Organizations who use WhereScape Data Automation Report:


on hand-coding development, refactoring and management tasks.


in implementing and managing infrastructure through automation.


by avoiding failures, filling skill gaps and adding built-in best practices.

WhereScape is the One Constant You Can Rely On

WhereScape integrates seamlessly with leading data platforms, including Snowflake, Databricks, SQL Server, and more to provide you with ultimate flexbility.

WhereScape + Snowflake

Get more value from your Snowflake investment sooner with WhereScape. WhereScape for Snowflake automates  workflows based on native Snowflake functions, wizards, and best practices, reducing time to delivery and costs. 

WhereScape + Databricks

Automate data ingestion, machine learning lifecycles, end-to-end data pipeline development, and more in your Databricks workspace with WhereScape. Achieving efficient data management has never been easier. 

WhereScape + Azure Synapse

Accelerate your Azure data warehouse and deliver near-real-time data to the business with WhereScape’s built-in design patterns, configurable templates, automatically generated SQL-based ETL code, and more.

Thousands of Customers Trust WhereScape

SimplyHealth (Healthcare)

“The results in efficiency alone have been worth the investment several times over! Refresh times are now 87.5% faster.”

BI Development Manager

Volkswagen (Manufacturing)

“WhereScape is helping us to deliver our BI goals in a rapid and iterative manner and positively influencing our Time to Market with 6x faster data delivery.”

Fidelity Bank (Financial)

“We chose WhereScape automation to give IT a quick win with an optimal return on investment.”

IT Project Manager

Bucknell University (Education)

“WhereScape lets us focus on the important part of a data warehouse–business requirements.”

Business Intelligence Functional Architect

Vodafone NL

“With WhereScape load times have been reduced by 90%.” Processing of our day run was 14+ hours – now it’s 10% of that.

BI Architect

Modernize Your Data Warehouse

Increase Developer Productivity and Reduce Risk.

Cloud Data Warehouse Automation

Harness the cloud for all or part of your data infrastructure to gain more and pay less.

Big Data

Integrate big data with other enterprise data sources for comprehensive insights.


Use metadata to automatically produce full documentation, including lineage.

Data Warehouse

Empower your organization to be data driven with a central source for extracting insights.

Data Mart

Give users the specific subject areas they need and deliver them quickly with automation.

Data Vault

Easily deliver 2.0 enabled data vaults for greater adaptability to change and growth.

WhereScape is now available for Databricks! Learn how WhereScape can help you streamline your data lakehouse.

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