A low-code data automation solution for SSIS, SQL Server, and Power BI!

| August 11, 2022
WhereScape STAR

Welcome to WhereScape STAR

WhereScape, the global  leader in data warehouse automation, has introduced a new offering to benefit data analysts in organizations that are using Microsoft products for business analysis: WhereScape STAR.

Business leaders ask for reports and dashboards. Creating the underlying data structures (data warehouses, data marts, star schemas, or simply third normal form databases) requires technical knowledge and experience with creating data warehouses.

What do you do if you and your organization don’t have all of those skills? You use Google. You create massive functions in Excel spreadsheets. You manually copy and manipulate data. You do whatever you can to deliver the reports and dashboards your business is needing.

WhereScape is about to make your job easier and faster. Think of WhereScape STAR as your digital co-worker who knows the technical details (how to write SQL procedures, DDL, and create database objects), and someone with years of experience in data warehouse modeling!

WhereScape STAR knows how to implement your requirements – you tell WhereScape STAR what you want to do, and it will figure out how to do it.

Are you a data analyst that is tasked with creating spreadsheets and dashboards but have limited IT staff to help you? If so, the solution has arrived! 

Use SSIS or ODBC, connect to your SQL Server source, XML spreadsheets, text files, or a variety of other sources. Transform your data and load it into star schema, including fact and dimension tables. You can then query those tables through Power BI, Tableau, or any other data analysis tool, or you can just export that data and import it into Excel.

WhereScape STAR makes creating your data foundation and transforms easy and fast

Click-and-drag your source files and tables to create your data structures. Use the built-in wizards to transform your data to meet your business requirements. Create jobs and tasks to update your repository with a few clicks. Schedule jobs to automatically keep your repository up to date.

And you can do all of this without writing a single line of code, manually creating tables and indexes, and everything works the first time! 

Cut down the time it takes to generate your analysis and reports from days to hours. Get things done right the first time. Make changes and adjustments in minutes. And all without having to touch a line of code.

Generate star schemas in minutes!

Drag the source table into the RED application. Congratulations. You’ve created a load table and the code required to populate it from the source. Now click-and-drag to create a stage table from the load table. This is where transforms happen. Within minutes you can create fact tables and dimensions, as well as add transforms, denormalize tables, implement business logic, and everything else you need to set up the data for your dashboards and report.

And it’s fully documented!

WhereScape star is metadata driven. That means you tell it what you want done, and WhereScape STAR implements it using best practices and common design principles. Because everything is captured as metadata, complete and accurate documentation can be created with a couple of clicks. You want to know where your dimension data is coming from and how it was transformed? The ‘track back’ diagrams will show you that. Similarly, ‘track forward’ diagrams can show you how source data is transformed and used. 

It’s fast and easy

It’s definitely worth a few minutes of your time to check this out. Starting with a blank database, you can create facts, dimensions, reports, and dashboards in minutes. Get prototypes in front of the users wanting the reports. Make modifications quickly. All with WhereScape STAR, your new digital expert.

Get more information here and request a demo here

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