
Automated deployment of Databricks pipelines
Move from development to production environments faster
& easier with automated deployment of data pipelines to
Databricks clusters.

Data Migration to Databricks

Trying to keep up with increasing data from multiple sources? Facing high reporting and analytics costs? A Data Lakehouse may be the solution—but migrating your current processes into Databricks can come with a myriad of unforeseen technical requirements, learning curves, and risks of project failure.

See how WhereScape can speed up the delivery of a migration.

WhereScape Data Automation for Data Lakehouse Projects

95 %

Time Savings

on hand-coding development, refactoring and management tasks.


Developer Productivity

in implementing and managing infrastructure through automation.


Return on Investment

by avoiding failures, filling skill gaps and adding built-in best practices.

Stress-Free Deployments with

Data Lakehouse Automation

WhereScape simplifies data workflow orchestration, scalability, and monitoring in Databricks by automating the deployment and management of data lakehouses.

Near-Limitless Scalability with

Databricks Pipelines Automation

WhereScape automates end-to-end data pipeline development in Databricks for easier data ingestion, transformation, and loading into Databricks clusters.

Modernize Your Approach to
Data Projects with WhereScape

WhereScape makes owning your data easy. See what you can achieve with WhereScape today.